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Standing together: Protecting the community during historic weather challenges

We know the last several weeks have been extremely difficult for our communities due to the historic and prolonged weather conditions.    

San Diego County experienced the driest start to the rainy season in the past 174 years and the combination of extreme Santa Ana winds, critically low humidity, and a historic lack of rain resulted in weather conditions that posed a significant wildfire risk within our service territory.

In response to these conditions, SDG&E implemented Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) as an important measure of last resort to protect communities from the risk of wildfire. The decision to shut off power was not taken lightly. We understand that being without power for any period of time, and certainly for a prolonged duration, is incredibly challenging and frustrating. We deeply appreciate our customers’ patience and understanding.  

Thank you once again for your patience and for standing with us as we work to keep our communities safe