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National Engineers Week Spotlight: Enrique Romero Sees Opportunity Everywhere and Grabs it

Editor’s Note: Our National Engineers Week tribute continues today with the spotlight shining on Enrique Romero, an engineer in our transmission planning division. Romero has a knack for seeing the big picture and recognizing opportunities to incorporate the latest technology to help deliver clean, safe and reliable energy to our customers.

Always Looking Ahead

Romero’s expertise lies in electric system planning. Since the passage of SB 100—100 percent renewable energy in California by 2045—he has his work cut out for him. He spends part of his time studying SDG&E infrastructure, so he has firm grasp on where it is today and where it needs to be tomorrow.

“When I analyze the transmission system, I am always looking five, ten years ahead,” said Romero. “I want to maximize the latest technologies and incorporate them into our plans.”

When not knee deep in technical analysis, Romero works with SDG&E executives, state regulators and other external stakeholders on compliance issues and policy planning.

“Making sure SDG&E complies with regulatory policies is critical, but it’s not enough,” he said. “I want us miles ahead of the curve.”

A Seat at the Table

Romero’s knack for looking at things through a long-term lens serves him well at SDG&E.

“My favorite part about working for SDG&E is having a voice in the way our company will operate in the future,” he said. “When I began working here, I was never treated as an entry level position. My opinion has been valued since the beginning and that has encouraged me to take on more responsibility and continue to grow as a professional.”

The Next Generation

His passion for the future of the SDG&E doesn’t stop with infrastructure and policy. He takes great pride in reaching out to San Diego students to encourage them to explore engineering. He’s part of the company’s Engineer Network and Resource Group—made up of SDG&E engineers—which regularly goes out into the community to inspire young people to pursue careers in STEM – science, technology, engineering and math.

“SDG&E supports us giving back to the community,” he said. “That’s very meaningful to me because I want kids to understand everything a career in engineering has to offer. I also like to share my story to show them what they can achieve with hard work.”

Romero immigrated to the United States from Mexico as a young man because he firmly believes it is the land of opportunity. Once in El Centro, Calif. he learned English, attended community college and moved on to Cal Poly Pomona, where he received his degree in engineering. It was from Cal Poly Pomona that he was recruited to join SDG&E.

“There is so much opportunity to learn and keep growing in companies like SDG&E,” he said. “I believe its important to keep reaching out to the next generations because they will be the ones that keep us on the right course to becoming the cleanest, safest, most reliable energy company in America.”

Meet Enrique

Job Title: Engineer I, Transmission Planning

Originally from: Mexicali, Mexico

Outside the office: Watching and playing soccer

What’s something your coworkers may not know about you?

“I went to the World Cup in Russia last year.”

What’s your favorite local restaurant? 


Family life

“I have two children, a 14-year-old boy and 8-year-old girl. My son wants to be an engineer as well and I hope my daughter will consider a career in STEM, too.”