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Meet Whendell: The Expert on Time-of-Use Pricing Plans

Whendell is your go-to expert on all things related to Time-of-Use pricing plans being offered to customers in San Diego and South Orange counties. Because he’s a smart watch and looks like an electric outlet, he is more plugged in to the importance of time and its impact on energy use than most. 

Whendell is 35 years old. He’s curious, engaging, empathetic, and really, really smart. 

Big-hearted but a little bit geeky, he loves trivia and likes to be the first to discover the next big thing and share it with anyone who will listen. Whendell is always on watch for ways to make life better and easier for others. No matter how much time it takes, he’s determined to help people find new and different ways to be in control. 

If you’re looking for someone to keep a secret, it’s not Whendell. His face belies his every emotion. His kind, expressive eyes reflect his concern about community issues and the environment. He’s a saver, and according to many, takes after his great-grandfather, the pocket watch, the quintessential penny pincher. 

In the coming days, weeks and months, Whendell will be answering your questions about Time-of-Use pricing plans.

Whendell is a SoCal Native

Whendell evolved from a long line of low-cost, wound-up relatives whose faces constantly remind him of his past. He’s excited about staying up to date with technology, likes to make people laugh and truly believes that “every second counts.” He is fascinated with energy and how it has improved life for so many (himself included, especially when he needs a charge). 

Whendell was born in San Diego, at precisely 12 a.m. His favorite childhood memory was climbing the Jessop’s clock as a child. He enjoyed his studies as a psych student at a local university discovering, in his words, “What makes people tick”. No matter how over-scheduled, he always makes time for what truly energizes him – giving back to his community and spending time with familiar faces. Whether it’s an afternoon volunteering in the community, joining friends for Happy Hour, visiting a comedy club or keeping time at local charity runs, Whendell never seems to run out of energy. 

How does Whendell Unwind?

His love of nature has him hiking at Torrey Pines and enjoying beachfront BBQ’s. He loves living in San Diego, especially during July, because of Comic-Con where he can lose all track of time and completely unwind with friends. He truly believes technology and personal responsibility can help resolve our climate issues and make for a better world.

If he was a celebrity, he would be most like: Steve Carrel, Joseph Gordon-Levitt or Jay Baruchel.

More Information

Whendell has his own webpage at Check it out.