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Media Statement on Draft Reports Issued by the Commission on Catastrophic Wildfire Cost and Recovery

Today, the SB 901 Commission on Catastrophic Wildfire Cost and Recovery released draft reports with a series of recommendations on how to address California’s wildfire issues. In response, San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) issued the following statement:

“The draft reports prepared by the SB 901 Commission on Catastrophic Wildfire Cost and Recovery represent further momentum in addressing the multi-faceted challenges facing California as a result of the growing frequency and intensity of wildfires.

“The reports present a clear-eyed view that the status quo is not sustainable, and that changes must be made to protect utility customers, the economy and the future of California, as well as the stability of energy providers.

“While we are still reviewing recommendations contained in the reports, we appreciate the sense of urgency with which the Commission, Gov. Newsom and legislative leaders have approached wildfire issues.

“We look forward to being part of the conversation as the reports get translated into a proposal for consideration by the Legislature before it leaves for summer recess in July.

“A comprehensive solution should be adopted to adequately protect the interests of all Californians, and should take into account the significant investments our region and SDG&E have made over the past decade to protect our communities from devastating wildfires.”