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Let’s Resolve to Reduce Dig-Ins in 2019

Did you know that in the last year alone, there were more than 380 dig-in incidents in our region where underground utility lines were damaged by shovels and excavators? That’s double the number in 2010!

In 2019, let’s collectively resolve to reduce the number of these so-called dig-ins. You can all help our region achieve this resolution by calling 811 before you dig.

In California, everyone is required by law – whether you are a contractor or ordinary citizen – to call the free DigAlert service to get underground utilities marked out before performing any excavations.

Failure to do so can result in fines of up to $50,000, and you could be held liable for costs related to repair of damaged underground equipment.

It’s not just you who will suffer. Your neighbors and entire community could be greatly inconvenienced as well, because ruptured underground utilities cause a whole host of headaches. Think service outages. Think flashing traffic lights. Think evacuations due to gas leaks caused by a natural gas line break. Think fire and police showing up to cordon off streets.

In other words, dig-ins could cause a big mess for you financially – and a huge inconvenience for your community.

Dig-Ins are a Statewide Issue
In a new bill that was signed earlier last year, the state Legislature has proclaimed April as “California Safe Digging Month.”

According to the proclamation, more than 300,000 underground utility lines are struck each year in America, with approximately 16 percent resulting from failure to call 811 before digging.

Utility lines – electric, natural gas, and fiber optic – are often buried only a few inches underground, making them easy to strike, even for shallow excavation projects.

Underground Service Alert of Southern California – popularly known as DigAlert – provides free utility marking services, helping to reduce the number of accidents causing property damage, personal injury, and interruption of vital services.

Excavators, homeowners, and professional contractors, save yourselves time and money while making our communities a safer place to live and work by dialing 811 in advance of all digging projects.

Remember call 811 to prevent 911. 

More Information
Visit DigAlert here.