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Celebrating National Engineers Week: Lucie Sidibe Keeps the Power Flowing Smoothly

Editor’s Note: This week is National Engineers Week, and we’re putting the spotlight on some of our own who keep the energy flowing in our region to power homes and businesses.

As an engineer for our Beach Cities District, Lucie Sidibe’s her job is to solve electrical engineering issues – such as flickering lights – for coastal communities from the tip of Point Loma to Highway 56.

“My job is to ensure power flows safely and reliably to our customers,” said Sidibe.

Sidibe works directly with customers to resolve voltage fluctuation issues, which can cause lights to flicker. Once she understands exactly how the customer is being impacted, she turns her well trained eyes to the grid.

“I study the distribution system to locate the source of the problem,” she said. “Once I’ve done that, it’s my time to shine. I love coming up with solutions that keep the power running at an even keel.”

Next, she coordinates with crews in the field to implement those solutions. She provides the tools and data they need to address the issue safely and guides them through the process. The result is a reliable distribution system that serves the needs of SDG&E customers.

“Each time I’m able to improve reliability for a customer is a proud moment for me because I value this company’s reputation,” Sidibe says. “Putting a smile on customer’s face, showing them that we really care – that means a lot to me.”

Engineering is in Her Blood

Sidibe would tell you that engineering is in her blood.

“My father is an engineer and that definitely influenced by career choice,” she said.

She even married an engineer with whom she is raising twin 3-year-old girls. So, will the girls be following in the family footsteps?

“My husband wants them to be hedge fund managers,” Sidibe laughs. “But the call to engineering may be too strong to deny.”

Finding Her Niche at SDG&E

Her life as an engineer may have been predestined, but she came to SDG&E by luck (ours of course). After the Navy relocated her husband from Chicago to San Diego, she ventured to a job fair downtown.

“I spoke with the team at the job fair and, before I knew it, I had a call for an interview. It’s been 10 years and I can’t see myself anywhere else,” she said.

Why is Sidibe committed to SDG&E?

“The potential – there is so much opportunity for knowledge here,” she said. “The company makes it easy to move around and learn as much as you can about the business. I think that’s rare.”

Lucie Family Photo

Meet Lucie

Job Title: Engineer I, Beach Cities District

Originally from: Paris, France

Outside the office: You can find me in my garden with my twin girls.

What’s something your co-workers may not know about you?

“I lived in four countries on three continents – Europe, Africa and the United States – by the time I was 17 years old.”

What’s your favorite local restaurant?

Karam’s, a Lebanese restaurant in Poway.

What would you be if you weren’t an engineer?

“A doctor. I like knowing I am making an impact on people’s lives.”​